Brama Wałowa is located on Chrobrego street in Stargard, Poland
When was it built?
Brama Wałowa was built in: 1430 According to Stargard history – Click here 1439 According to Wikipedia – Click here Belov image is from around 1915
How big is it?
The gate house is attached to a part of the old city wall. The part of the wall is around 24 m long, 1 m thick and 6 m tall. The gate house it self is over 19 m tall, and is around 11 x 12 m.
Why was it built?
The gate and the wall was built to protect Stargard from thieves and war.
Image slide show
Here you see some more photos
Who made this project?
My name is Bianca Pedersen, I made this project for school.